Great (and not so) moments in Aussie Advertising #453

So I was weighing in on an important social media question the other day about “A man’s most attractive organ”. As you do. My answer was obviously “Wurlitzer or “Hammond”, which then had me thinking about an Australian TV commercial that’s seared into the neural connections of my brain:

Sadly the co-musical and mysterious “Donna” was absent in this one. Can’t remember if she ever appeared with Chris in his organ warehouse.

Australia has produced some television commercial gold. Here are a few other standouts from my misspent youth — obviously watching too much TV:

The hair! The clothes! The dancing! The cinematography! That random woman at the start of the ad! Only the cool people drank Moove. The band Dragon reworked one of their songs for the ad, which sounded like all their other songs. I’m suggesting the bloke standing on the pole and the tree people may have been imbibing something slightly stronger than chocolate milk.

Speaking of beverages:

Yep, the late 1970’s. Rolling ’round the world in a bubble seemed like a pretty good idea. Loved that and all the Coke ads back then. They were ahead of their time — the hobby / sport / stupidity of encasing oneself in a sphere is now called “Zorbing”. Unfortunately it didn’t quite “add life” to two blokes in Russia earlier this year.

Then we had that staple of advertising — pseudo science:

The good professor would terrify the kids into eating chocolate. Mrs Marsh had a somewhat softer approach:

The pills acts like an anti-impotence way, which aids men to enjoy their sexual life all because of their Kamagra order. buy canada levitra Sometime this idea works but some discount viagra time it fails. As the name says, you can strap this toy around your waist generico cialis on line and enter the man from the rear. Intravenous, subcutaneous, intrathecal and epidurals are some of cheap viagra professional the infusion therapy provided by home infusion professionals. Oooh, it did get in. I wonder if Andrew has dentures now?

High production values you ask? You’re welcome:

Tony became a local politician in Sydney for a few years (combining two of the world’s most trusted occupations), but had a bit of drama concerning planting listening devices in his car dealership. No doubt to hear customers saying how good his ads were.

Don’t think he purchased said devices from here:

“Don’t let your pussy get too thin”… get it? Thaaaaaaaaat’s where you get it.

After slaving away over a hot keyboard, I know what I feel like…

A stirring, patriotic ad, though I always thought it weird there were no crowd shots of euphoric sunburnt types soaking up the amber fluid fuelled victory.

But who gives a rat’s arse? It’s beer, blokes doing blokey things, beer, moustaches, sweat, beer, groins, sport, beer, cricket, beer. F*ck I love bein’ an Aussie, mate.

Have an, er, musical day…

©Steve Williams 2013